

某些项目,如失业、国民警卫队等. 会免除你的学费吗.


如果你是UCNJ县居民,并且UCNJ没有提供你的学术课程(专业), 你可能有资格在附近的县大学获得县税率. 也, 如果你是另一个县的居民,不提供你的学术课程(专业), 你可能有资格享受加州大学新泽西分校的县税率. 这两个项目都被称为“退款”。.

  • 学费减免


    The National Guard Waiver covers the cost of Tuition only up to a maximum of 16 credits/hours per semester. 所有其他相关费用由学生自行支付.

    • Students must  provide a Commanders Certificate of Eligibility from their unit’s authorized representative.
    • 学生必须完成相应的经济援助申请. (更多细节请联系财政援助部门.) Students who are eligible for aid must exhaust all such aid prior to utilizing a National Guard Waiver.
    • All required forms must be submitted at the time of registration including verification of application for 金融援助.

    New Jersey residents 65 years of age or older at the time of registration may enroll at UCNJ without the payment of any tuition charges in regularly scheduled courses provided that classroom space is available.

    • 长者豁免只包括学费. 学生须在注册时支付所有其他费用, 包括处理费和年停车费吗, 如果需要停车许可证.
    • 学生可以在学期的第一天注册. Students who register prior to the designated date CANNOT apply the 长者豁免书 towards the cost of such courses.

    失业豁免包括学费. 学生在注册时负责支付所有其他费用.

    • 学生必须完成相应的经济援助申请. (更多细节请联系财政援助部门.) Students who are eligible for aid must exhaust all such aid prior to utilizing an Unemployment Waiver.
    • All required forms must be submitted at the time of registration including verification of application for 金融援助.
    • 经济援助将首先用于支付学费. Remaining aid, if any, will be applied against the fees that are the responsibility of the student.
    • Students may register on a space available basis on the first day of the session/semester. Students who register prior to the designated date CAN NOT APPLY the Unemployment Waiver towards the cost of such courses.
    • 豁免计划适用于UCNJ县居民.  NJ residents who live outside of UCNJ County may use the waiver only if their home county community college does not offer the courses they are taking.  必须在注册时提供原学院的文件

    This program covers the cost of Tuition only and is available for active members of a volunteer Fire Company or Rescue Squad and their dependent children and spouse. 个人将获得学费减免, 每个家庭在4年内不得超过最高限额.

    • 学生在注册时负责支付所有其他费用.
    • The Volunteer Tuition Waiver Program requires that the student provide verification of service performed such as a completed Municipal Certification for Active Members of volunteer Fire Company, 急救队或救援队.
    • Students desiring to utilize the Chapter 145 Waiver shall complete the appropriate application for 金融援助 and, 如果符合条件, 在申请第145章豁免之前,这种援助必须用尽.
    • Students will be allowed to register for classes on a space available basis on the first day of the session/semester.
    • Students who register for courses prior to the designated date CAN NOT APPLY the Chapter 145 waiver towards the cost of such courses.

    雇主或外部机构的援助计划 注册前, students should have the specifics of their plan reviewed by the Office of Student Accounts to insure that it meets College guidelines.

    • Students are required to complete and sign a Statement of Responsibility for Financial Obligations at the Office of Student Accounts at time of registration.
    • 所有余额应在注册后续学期之前全部付清.
    • 雇主或其他外部机构应该这样做吗, 组织或奖学金未能及时支付, 学生将负责在加州大学新泽西分校就读的费用.
    加州大学新泽西分校参与了许多为退伍军人提供福利的项目, 现役军人和预备役军人.  更多信息请联系大学招生办公室.  (另见上文新泽西州国民警卫队免责声明)

    Attendance at UCNJ under the 贸易法案计划 requires that the student present at time of registration a Letter of Introduction and Enrollment Agreement from the State of New Jersey Department of Labor. In addition, a completed contract (NAFTA-7 (R-9-96)) must be on file in the UCNJ Grants Department. 参加这个项目的学生可以随时注册. 该计划可能包括学费和部分费用.

    Students utilizing this program should plan on registering well in advance of the start of the semester to insure that their contract is in place. Students must have the appropriate forms and a fully executed contract at time of registration. 该计划可能包括学费和选定费用.  Note that the cost to complete the program of study may not be fully covered and students should be aware of program limitations.

  • 退款

    Under provisions of the “Chargeback Assistance Law” (Chapter 179, Public Laws of New Jersey, 1968; N.J.S.A. 18A:64A-23), a person who is a legal resident of a county in New Jersey and attends a County College in another New Jersey County may be eligible to pay In County tuition if:

    B)一所县学院在学生居住的县运营, 但有下列原因之一的,不被录取:

    • The course/curriculum (program) is not offered; or
    • Enrollment in the course/curriculum (program) was filled; or
    • The applicant did not meet the general admissions requirements of the college (disciplinary or academic suspension or academic probation excepted); or
    • The applicant did not meet the admissions requirements of the specific course/curriculum (program).

    如果你住在UCNJ县,并希望在另一个新泽西县学院上课, you may have UCNJ County pay a portion of your tuition if you obtain a UCNJ County Chargeback Application from the College’s Office of 招生, 记录及注册.

    如果您认为您符合上述规定, you may obtain procedural information by writing or visiting the 招生 Office and asking for Chargeback Application forms. 您也可以从招生/记录表格页面访问此表格.

    如果你住在新泽西州,但在UCNJ县以外, 如果你符合退款条件,你可以支付UCC的县内学费. You must provide the UCNJ Office of Student Accounts with a properly signed Certification of Inability to Admit from your home county college and Certification of Residency forms.

    The Certification of Inability to Admit must be completed by the Registrar or 招生 Officer of your home county college. The Certification of Residency form must be completed by the county fiscal officer (treasurer) of your home county.  取决于你居住的县, 这些表格通常适用于一个学期或一年.

    如果您在注册时提交这些表格,您可以支付县内学费. If you paid out-of-county tuition and subsequently file properly executed chargeback forms (within 30 days from the start of the semester), 你将获得一个学分,这将把你的学费降低到县内的水平. 如果你符合条件, 当你所在的县向学院付款后,你将获得退款.

    In the event that you are a qualified resident of a county that does not have a county college, 不需要无入学能力证明.